askTony Weekly Quiz

Launching Saturday 4th July at 7.30 p.m. quiz master Steve Roy invites you to join him for his brand new interactive weekly quiz.

You answer the questions live and can play with your family, with your friends, or just with your dog. See where you are on the leaderboard after each question.

The quiz will last around 60 minutes and feature 6 rounds of questions.

After the quiz you will get a breakdown of your score, and the scores of anyone you’ve nominated to be in your group of friends.

Cost is £5 per entry and you can sign up below – please feel free to forward to your friends


  • Can I invite my friends?

Yes, you can send them the above link – once they pay the entry fee and register they will be sent the Zoom link

  • How do I speak to my friends during the quiz?

Create a group via Whatsapp, Facetime, or your preferred communication channel, to chat to your friends during the quiz.

  • Can I have a private quiz on a different date just for my company or friends?

Of ccourse – check out our custom quiz nights